Happy New YEAR! It is very late, New Years Day and I'm just getting around to posting this, about a day late -- still recovering from last night's festivities. I hope you all had a great New Years Eve!
This week's podcast features the Some Assembly Required interview with Jason Forrest. This episode originally aired a year ago on the two dozen college, community and public radio stations which air Some Assembly Required. We're going to start podcasting episodes as they air in syndication, beginning in just a couple of weeks. I'm looking forward to finally consolidating all of the schedules. In the meantime, enjoy a couple more classic episodes of the program, including this week's podcast (episode 127), which is a full length feature on Jason Forrest, including a phone interview with the man behind the moniker of Donna Summer, as well as the record label Cock Rock Disco.
We've already run the SAR Q&A with Jason Forrest here at the Blog, so I'll just tell you to go read the archived blog post featuring Jason Forrest's Q&A... You can find it HERE (posted April 3, 2006). Since we don't have a Q&A to post this week, and considering that it's now been one full year since we started podcasting, I've decided to do a little feature on the SAR Q&A, itself!
Read on...
The SAR Q&A*Name: The SAR Q&A, at the Some Assembly Required BLOG.
*Are there any additional names used to describe this project: None, off the top of my head.
*Members: 44 in 2006...
Here's the full list for 2006, in alphabetical order...
For links to each of the individual Q&A's (along with a list of all artists interviewed on Some Assembly Required), please visit the Interviews Page at the SAR website...
Aggro 1
Animals within Animals
Antediluvian Rocking Horse
Big City Orchestra
The Bran Flakes
The Button
The Coherent Encoherence
Corporal Blossom
Steve Dirkx
Omer Fast
Steve Fisk
DJ Food
Jason Forrest (Donna Summer)
Freddy Fresh
Jason Freeman
Girl Talk
Idiom Creak
Kid Koala
Lecture on Nothing
Christian Marclay
DJ Nikoless
Party Ben
Public Works
John Schnall
Jeff Sconce
Silica Gel
Myeck Waters
The Who Boys
DJ Zebra
*Founding Member: Kevin Beacham (aka DJ Nikoless) was the very first artist featured at the SAR Blog.
*Tape manipulations, digital deconstructions or turntable creations: All of the above.
*Location: The show is produced in Minnesota - the artists featured come from all over the world.
*History: Some Assembly Required began in January of 1999. Our first official blog post was October 22, 2005. The podcast officially began one year ago, tomorrow: January 2, 2006!
*Born: See above.
*Motivations: To profile as many of the artists featured on Some Assembly Required as possible.
*Philosophy: Perhaps: the more obscure the artist, the more the internet needs a feature on them. Or: As ambitious as our links page is, it seemed a little lazy just to tell listeners to go to the artist's website for more information. This project serves to educate the listener, and myself, about the people behind the sounds we hear each week on the program.
*How would you like to be remembered: As the blog which did it's best to feature as many sample based musicians and audio artists as it could.
*Web address: www.some-assembly-required.net/blog
Thanks again to the 44 artists featured in 2006 at the SAR Blog. My goal again for 2007 is to post a new Q&A every week, so we should have at least fifty new ones by this time next year. Wish me luck...Don't forget to download this week's feature on Jason Forrest (episode 127). Also, check out Jason Forrest's website, while you're at it. Stay tuned as we begin to podcast brand new episodes of the show in the next couple of weeks...
Thanks for listening and Happy New Year!
Jon Nelson
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