rachMiel writes for Computer Music and Electronic Musician magazines, in addition to Reaktions.com and a blog at his website. Without further ado, here's the SAR Q&A with rachMiel...
*Name: rachMiel
*Are there any additional names used to describe this project: Classic TV Show (Extreme) Covers.
*Tape manipulations, digital deconstructions or turntable creations: Digital deconstructions. I'm very interested in presenting the known in (sometimes dramatically) un-known ways. so the first step is to find a sonic object that is well known, part of popular culture: a pop song, a tv theme, etc. then I turn to Reaktor, which provides dozens of instruments one can use to de-construct audio by modulating pitch, speed, entry point, loop length, timbre, amplitude, and so on. After de-constructing, I end up with a long block of complex wild sound, which I then edit down, like a sculptor chipping away at stone, until its "true form" reveals itself.
*Another genre descriptor: Extreme covers.
*Why you use this descriptor: Because that's what I feel they are: Extreme interpretations of well known songs.
Is there a story behind your name? It is the Hebrew form of Richard, my Russian Jewish Grandfather's name, a musician who, as the story goes, played for the Czar.
*Location: Rochester, NY
*Original Location: New York, NY
*What is your creative/artistic background: Conservatory degrees in composition, full drop out of academia, descent into underground acoustic madness, electronica.
*History: Electronica about 6 years, acoustic music much longer.
*Born: I was born in Freeport in the last millennium.
*Motivations: Joy
*Philosophy: Joy of endless creation and discovery.
*How would you like to be remembered: For creating equally idiosyncratic (out there) and compelling (expressive, moving) music.
*Web address: rachmiel.org