Two to check out...It's been a good month for those of us interested in the history of appropriation in sound collage and music. There are at least two new programs worth checking out...

First of all, Jon Leidecker's series on the history of sampling in music and audio art ("
Variations") has recently progressed to
chapter four, as of about a week or two ago. I've really been enjoying this extremely insightful and in-depth look into the world of sound collage. The first three installments of "Variations" covered everything from the very early 1900s all the way through to the 1970s, and episode four picks up from there, moving into more and more familiar territory, as it continues.
There are at least three more episodes planned for the series as well, making this one of the most detailed histories of the genre/movement, to date. I've been collecting and researching this kind of music for well over a decade myself, and its remarkable how much more I've learned, in the past few months, just by listening to the first four episodes of this series. It's definitely worth checking out. You can check out episodes 1-4 of "Variations"
HERE, and stay tuned in the coming months for new installments, as well...

I've also just learned that the new documentary, "
Copyright Criminals" will be airing on Public Television at various times this month. The program, which also offers a history of sampling, especially focused on the genre of hip hop, had its broadcast premier on PBS yesterday (January 19), with additional airings and rebroadcasts to come, throughout the next week or so, at least. Check out the
Copyright Criminals website for more information... I'm hoping to catch it here in Minnesota, this week!
Thanks for listening,
Jon Nelson