He describes his work as sounding like "a sentient cricket society in a tuft of grass, as heard from above. A dream remembered." You can hear some examples for yourself HERE, or tune in to Episode 218 (download it HERE).
Without further ado, here's the SAR Q&A with Savage Ohms...
*Name: Savage Ohms
*Are there any additional names used to describe this project: It's only ever gone by Savage Ωhms.
*Do you use a pseudonym? I usually go by just my first name.
*Members: Just one. Loren G. Hall.
*Founding Members: I founded the band myself, and I have always been the only permanent member. At times I have had various guest musicians, but none have ever joined permanently. By the way, I got the name 'Savage Ohms' from the animated film 'Fantastic Planet'.
*Tape manipulations, digital deconstructions or turntable creations: My first set of recordings was 100% sampled tape manipulations, using a broken tape deck that behaved erratically. I never knew exactly what it was going to do when I hit 'play' (or 'rewind', for that matter), and it was my oracle for about a year until it finally stopped working altogether. Later on my music became much more digitally deconstructed, but I still used a lot of tricks that I had learned from my tape days. I've never used a turntable in my work.
*Another genre descriptor: The only term I've ever been able to come up with that describes the process of aligning two patterns together to illuminate a hidden third pattern (such as in my music) is 'techronicity'. It's similar to the Dalinian concept of a work of art being more than the sum of its parts, only the catalyst is electronic, rather than painted."
*Why you use this descriptor: It's simply a cross between the words 'techno' and 'synchronicity'.
*Location: The band was started in Rome, Ga.
*Original Location:
*What is your creative/artistic background: I attended Memphis College of Art in the late 80's, but wound up getting a BFA in painting from the University of Georgia. From the age of about 5 to the age of about 15, I saw only visual art in my future. I've always had a deep love of music, and from a very young age I drummed on EVERYTHING constantly, but it wasn't until I had heard bands like Skinny Puppy, Coil, and Cabaret Voltaire in the mid 80's that I became interested in making music seriously. By 1990 I had completed my first demo LP entitled 'EKE', and by 2002 I had completed 4 EP's ('Where is Love', 'I Hear the Tree', 'Near-Life Experience', and 'Abandonment Issue') and 1 full album ('Lifelike'). I had one song on the ACIDSOXX comp. entitled 'F-DISK: Encrypted Transmissions' in 2002, and played at the Savannah Fringe Fest in February of the same year.
*History: I started recording as Savage Ohms in 1988, after borrowing a friend's 4-track tape recorder. I had formed a lot of ideas before that date, but I hadn't yet recorded anything. I've also been in an Atlanta-based band called anAMloopantenna, and a side project called Nemesis, with a friend from Canada.
*Born: I'm 37, and I'm from Rome, Georgia, which is about an hour NW of Atlanta. I've also lived in Seattle, Memphis, and Athens, Ga.
*Motivations: To put it simply, I create art and music to keep from going completely insane.
*Philosophy: Strangely enough, the philosophy behind my musical creation is virtually identical to my visual creation. In both cases I've found that I have the best luck when I don't have any preconceived ideas in mind, but rather vague concepts or moods. Some people say that they have a higher power governing their actions, which is ultimately responsible for what they create. In my own case I feel that it's more of a 2-way relationship. I may have vague notions to begin with, and I definitely look for patterns in the chaos and work to bring them out, but ultimately the final result is almost always a complete surprise to me, and I love that aspect of creation. In short, my philosophy is to work WITH the music, to help it make itself.
*How would you like to be remembered: As someone who could laugh at himself, and cry for anyone.
*Web address:
music - http://www.myspace.com/savageohms
art - http://www.wooloo.org/loren
