Tuesday, November 16, 2010

November 16, 2010 - Tshirt Sale

Uploaded this weekend's episode a few days early and there's no new Q&A for a couple of weeks so I thought I'd make an entry here at the blog...

Our 12th anniversary is coming up in January... AND the 50/50 CD is now available for Pre-Order! It really turned out great, if I do say so myself. For more information, visit the 50/50 page HERE.

I was also thinking about offering Some Assembly Required Tshirts at a discount, through the end of November. If you want a Tshirt for only $6, just make a note of it when making a $6 donation, at the Support Page. Don't forget to say what size you're ordering...

And I'll add a Tshirt to your 50/50 Pre-Order for an extra $2 through the end of November as well. We're only asking $10 for the CD, so just make a note about adding a Tshirt when making a $12 donation at the Support Page. Be sure to indicate what size you'd like (S, Med, L, XL only).

There, how's that for a blog post...

Thanks for listening!
Jon Nelson


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