In 2007, The Real Tuesday Weld did a commissioned piece for the Rothko room at The Tate Modern, in London, and re-scored the surrealist film "Dreams That Money Can Buy" for the British Film Institute. They're known for their work on TV, in advertising, documentaries and with film makers such as animator Alex Budovsky, with whom they've won several awards. You can check out some of these animations, along with MP3s and Podcasts at their website.
Without further ado, here's the SAR Q&A with The Real Tuesday Weld...
*Name: The Real Tuesday Weld
*Are there any additional names used to describe this project: The Clerkenwell Kid
*Do you use a pseudonym? See above
*Members: Stephen Coates, Jacques Van Rhijn, Clive Painter, Don Brosnan and Jed Woodhouse. Up to ten depending on the situation.
*Founding Members: Stephen Coates
*Tape manipulations, digital deconstructions or turntable creations: Shellacficionados
*Another genre descriptor: Antique Beat
*Why you use this descriptor: We like to re-interpret old sound in a new way and filter new sound in an old way.
*Location: London
*Original Location: Lancashire
*What is your creative/artistic background: Art student. I studied painting and design at the Royal College of Art in London.
*History: Ten years. Late last year (2008), I wrote and presented an eight hour series on Propaganda and cold war music for Resonance - the London arts station. We will be playing various festivals this year as live band and DJ. I am about to start work on a new record but at the moment I am working on music for film which is what I intend to be doing more of in the next few years
*Born: Early seventeenth century, England
*Motivations: It's a combination of inspiration, desperation and perspiration.
*Philosophy: Trying to create a little world for people to peep into.
*How would you like to be remembered: There is a corner of some foreign field that is forever England.
*Web address:
www.antiquebeat.co.uk www.tuesdayweld.com www.theclerkenwellkid.blogspot.com
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