Going to a halloween party tonight and I don't have a costume yet. Since I will be working at the restaurant all evening and going to the party right afterward, I thought I might just go as a waiter, but everyone says thats dumb. My other idea was to don a black wig, dig up my old leather jacket and combat boots, and go as myself when I was age 18. Everyone said that was stupid, too. I guess I just have terrible ideas for costumes! I never really liked halloween all that much anyway. I'm more of a Christmas kind of guy - sans most of the overtly religious overtones, of course, like the good little secular humanist that I am.
(The photo, by the way, is of Radio K's on-air CD library - I can't figure out how to caption the photos!)
Here's the playlist for this week's episode, airing here in Minneapolis on Radio K (AM 770, 106.5 FM, 100.7 FM and radiok.org - jeez, did I forget any frequencies there?) This won't air in syndication for a little while. I think the syndicating stations are gearing up for the interview episode with The Bran Flakes but they're not all on the same schedule, so its going to be different, station to station. anyway, here's what folks in the Twin Cities heard this week on Some Assembly Required:
01 Avalanches – “Since I left you”
02 Lecture on Nothing – “Strap it on”
03 Dsico – “Block rockin’ woman”
04 Silica Gel –“Personal dream”
05 Cast of Thousands w/ Escape Mechanism – “Lets talk (Q and A)”
06 John Schnall – “God”
07 DJ Cal – “Wicked whatever”
08 Myeck Waters – “The strangest story”
09 DJ Jester & the Gellm – “Filipinofist”
10 DJ Talkback – “The return of scratching”
11 John Oswald – “Open”
12 Osymyso – “Girls and boys”
13 Splatt – “Caution: rafall”
14 Twink – “Three blind mice”
15 Steinski – “Relax”
I think my favorite thing this week was the mashup, "Wicked Whatever" by DJ Cal. Chris Isaak serenaded by Shakira = very nice.
In other news - Heather wrote from Louisiana, where she listens to Some Assembly Required on KRVS (Lafayette, LA) to let us know about a special event/opportunity for collage artists, as advertised in ARTNET Magazine:
OPEN CALL FOR ANTI-COPYRIGHT "ISLAND" IN SPAIN: Artists are invited to submit works to Copilandia, a "public art intervention" sponsored by the Centro de Arte de Sevilla for the Spanish cultural festival, "Seville, between Cultures," Dec. 28, 2005-Jan. 12, 2006. Setting up as a "copyright free island" in the city’s Guadalquivir River, Copilandia is loaded with
copiers, computers, a sound system and art materials and promises to multiply and disseminate all the submissions in order to promote "the free circulation of art and ideas."
The project is spearheaded by the art group Gratis, founded in 1994 by Victoria Gil, Kirby Gookin, Federico Guzmán and Robin Kahn and dedicated to promoting "the dissolution of intellectual property as an art medium." Send your easily reproduced prints, photos sculpture, painting, mail art, poetry, music video and photography, in analog or digital form, to Kahn and Gookin at 114 Mercer Street, #9, New York, N.Y. 10012, or by email to copilandia@gmail.com.
Thanks Heather! Sounds like something worth checking out.
Gonna leave you with that. Thanks for the calls this week. Very nice to know you're out there listening!
Jon Nelson
1 comment:
some assembley required to me is way more than interesting it is on the rise.I hear it catching on more in mainstream music every day. I have known about this type of music since at least the late 70 ;s and I follow it as much as I can.In one word fantastic.I also understand copys are impossible I wish this music ran 24/7 SKY KING
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