Thanks to everyone who came out to see Negativland perform at First Avenue last night! I had a great time and from the sound of things, I'd say the band felt very appreciated. A good time was had by all. This week's featured artist is Futuro - check it out below! Download this week's podcast (episode 118) to hear a mashup by Futuro, along with ten additional sound collages by artists from around the world...

Futuro is Steve Lima, a producer and musician from London. He released his first dance record in 1990, on the Factory Records label, and has worked with artists such as Christine Collister, The Essence, Espirito, Dana Gillespie, Rolf Harris and Shakatak. He also used to play in a punk band called The Members. He produces mashups, using the project name Futuro, and that's the project we're focusing on here...
Futuro is defined, at his website, as: mashup, a combination of classic cuts, RE-groove-Re-cut-REcyle, good clean fUn...
Without further ado, here's the SAR Q&A with Steve Lima of FUTURO...
*Name: Futuro
*Are there any additional names used to describe this project: erm...mashup?
*Members: Just me and the many fabulous people that I get to remix but sadly will probably never meet.
*Founding Member: Steve Osgood Lima
*Tape manipulations, digital deconstructions or turntable creations: More like Digital re-contstructions I would say.
*Another genre descriptor: Someone once wrote to me describing my non-mashup mixes as refreshes... I rather like that.
*Location: London UK
*What is your creative/artistic background: Always been a musician who then learnt engineering and eventually moved into production.
*History: I have been making bootleg remixes for many years but have never released them until just over a year ago. Having survived a very close brush with Dr.Death I just thought f**k it and started uploading.
*Born: I was born on the terraces at Stamford Bridge in 1905 but getting younger by the day.
*Motivations: I love to make the old new again and to also work with GREAT vocalists who would probably never wander in to my little studio accidentally. I only ever work with sources that I LOVE otherwise I would be spending my time listening, over and over again to voices or tracks that I wouldn't normally do and as it is for free it has to please ME firstly. The fact that so many people like the stuff is a massive bonus and shows that I either have remarkably good taste or I am extremely common. Both of these may be true.
*Philosophy: To to use the same production values that I would on any other commercial release. Keep it simple and don't forget what made the sources hit records in the first place.
*How would you like to be remembered: As somebody who was competent and entertaining.
*Web address:
Thanks to Futuro for answering our questions this week! Be sure to check out his website - and don't forget to download this week's podcast (episode 118) to hear a good example of a mashup by Futuro - along with ten other sound collage tracks!
Thanks again to everyone who came out to the First Avenue Mainroom last night. Negativland's "It's all in your head FM" was a great live radio show, even if it wasn't being broadcast as it was performed. I did hear rumblings that the show was recorded for future broadcast, though - so of course if I hear more about that, I'll be sure to make a note of it here at the blog. Stay tuned.
Next week's feature, coincidentally: another mashup artist from London - IDC!
Until then, thanks for listening,
Jon Nelson
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