July 9, 2006
Dropping the ball, folks... Sorry to report that there is no Q&A this week. First time since we started doing it. We've already done a Q&A with most of the artists being played on this week's podcast episode, and the few remaining just didn't get their answers to us in time. I'm sure they will eventually, though. So this is going to be just a standard Blog Entry. Perhaps a time for reflection...
Okay. So, its July 9, 2006, and we started podcasting Some Assembly Required on January 2, 2006. That's just over half a year. Counting today's podcast (episode 81 - stay tuned), we have succesfully uploaded two dozen episodes from our second year in syndication. In that time, we've also contributed three special episodes, including a Valentines Day Mix and an Easter Themed Mix (the third was our fundraiser in March). Of course, we started with a special Xmas mix in December of 2005. So that's nearly thirty podcasts, altogether! We're well on our way to a full year podcasting.
Along the way, we've done features on over 20 artists, at the blog... including DJ Nikoless, Antediluvian Rocking Horse, Osymyso, The Coherent Encoherence, The Bran Flakes, Jabberwocky, Jeff Sconce, Myeck Waters, Jason Freeman, Animals within Animals, Wobbly, Jason Forrest, Corporal Blossom, Mark Hosler, Silica Gel, Girl Talk, V/Vm, DJ BC, Christian Marclay, Idiom Creak, Omer Fast and Steve Fisk (visit the Links Page, at our site, to check out their individual websites). So, that's a pretty good accomplishment, for our first six months, I guess.
I'm continuing to debate whether or not to continue with the plan to upload the entire second year before moving on to more recent episodes. On the one hand, I'd like to finish what I started (not that we won't eventually get these all online at some point - the question is just in what order?), but on the other hand, I'm really happy with how the current episodes have been turning out, and part of me wants to be podcasting THOSE - now, rather than later. I know better than to try to upload two episodes a week. One episode a week is more than enough, I'm sure, for most people. So, for those of you who care - be aware that I'm considering jumping forward quite a bit and then returning to the archive project in the future. We'll see.
In other news, I've been planning a lot of features lately - doing quite a few interviews with sound collage artists. I guess that's part of the reason why I want to jump from the current schedule. I'd like to merge the two audiences. Right now there are those who listen to the show via the radio, and those who listen via the podcast. Wouldn't it be nice if they were listening to the same thing? Another part of what's been motivating this line of reasoning is that all the syndicating stations are FINALLY on the same schedule starting this month, and I'm finding that I'm very happy about this. Prior to this change, there had been three separate schedules... Those who listened in Minneapolis heard one schedule (airing on KUOM), those who listened to one of the two dozen syndicating stations were hearing a separate schedule and those who listen to the podcast heard a THIRD schedule. It may not seem like a lot, but keeping up with all the different schedules is more difficult than if everyone was hearing the same thing. So, if the podcast schedule changes in the coming months, this is at least part of the reason why.
Okay, so I blew it by not providing a Q&A this week, and then made matters worse by talking about scheduling for the whole post. What am I thinking?
If you're actually reading this, then you must be a big fan of the show. If so - drop me a line! It's really pretty rare that I hear from listeners. Which isn't too surprising really... I mean, who thinks to call or email the DJ? I know I don't. There are a couple of different shows I listen to, and I NEVER get in contact with the host. It just doesn't even occur to me to do that. I assume s/he's so overwhelmed with supportive feedback that more would just be an unwelcome distraction, I guess. Well, let me tell you, when I get a nice email it really makes my day. So drop me a line! I'm at: ASSEMBLY (AT) DETRITUS.NET
okay - episode 81 should be ready to go by now. So let's get to it. Tune in next week, for a feature on DJ FOOD. I interviewed Strictly Kev for episode 81, which is next week's podcast, and he filled out the Q&A for next week's blog as well - so, I'm getting back on the horse, starting next week! Until then...
Thanks for listening,
Jon Nelson
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