Back to the program then, and a bit more current, starting today! I gave it a good try, but going backwards through last year's episodes just made less and less sense as we went further and further back. So, now to begin moving forward with episodes from our third year in syndication, starting where we left off... Stay tuned for episode 105!
This week's Q&A is with a British Mashups outfit calling themselves The Who Boys... One of the reasons I prefer to start podcasting from the most recent year in syndication is because we've really started to focus on keeping things more balanced, genre-wise, this past year. Towards the end of the 2nd year, we'd started airing mashups, like the Who Boys, but we'd also made it a goal to mix things up, in general, with regards to all the different styles of sample-based music and audio art. In addition to mashups, you'll also hear more turntablism, of both the hip hop and experimental variety. Of course, you can continue to count on hearing the more "traditional" tape cut-ups which have been here throughout, as the focus remains on recycled music from all genres.

The first Who Boys album that I became aware of was called Tales of Townshend & Wilson, which is a concept album mashing (primarily) songs by The Who and The Beach Boys. Of course, I was immediately reminded of The Grey Album, but this is quite different. There are lots of developing styles within the world of mashups, and while I'm often a fan of those mashups which mix rap acapellas with pop music instrumentals, there is a lot to be said for those who push things a bit further - go a bit more experimental. There's always been lots of room for experimental music here, of course, so I'm pleased to present a track by The Who Boys on this week's podcast (episode 105 - coming right up), as well as their responses to this week's SAR Q&A...
*Name: The Who Boys
*Are there any additional names used to describe this project: No. We used to do original tracks under the name Normal, which we then changed to McGovern, then briefly the Whoevermen, until we thought "Oh what's the point? We da Whoboys!!!"
*Do you use a pseudonym? No.
*Members: Mark Rathmell, Giles Hearn and Brian Coleman.
*Founding Member: We started/joined/remained in existing bands in the order of Mark Rathmell, Brian Coleman, and then Giles Hearn
*Tape manipulations, digital deconstructions or turntable creations: Digital crimes. With love.
*Another genre descriptor: "Ardcoredigitalnoisewithabirrovatunetoityouluckybastards -
*Why you use this descriptor: 6 cans of Stella while we listened to our tunes. Well, would you blame us? It was TUESDAY!
*Location: We're based in London...the sh**ty areas.
*Original Location: Mark and Giles are from up north (England), Brian is from the US.
*What is your creative/artistic background: We were rock musicians, inspired by 60's psychedelia and mod, who fell in love with drum 'n bass and dub.
*History: About 4 years.
*Born: Ah well, that's for us to know and you to wonder! Estimated ages: Giles: 55, Rathmell: 8, and Coleman: 34.
*Motivations: Love of music, hatred of big record labels and pop charts that operate like rigged card games. Excitement. Fun. Beats watching telly, forever. Creativity. You'll never know, baby, you'll never know. The sky's the limit. You'll never know if you don't try. Do it NOW.
*Philosophy: Do what is least expected and make it sound wonderful, or, failing that, outrageous. Which is maybe sometimes the same thing. We're all very exciting people, really. Our lives are maybe more interesting than our music. One of us is a convicted fraudster and failed playwright, another a gambling addict with SEVEN sons, the other a homeless alcoholic - he comes up with all the concepts.
*How would you like to be remembered: As the nutters who made the track that we conceived our first (and hopefully only) child to.
*Web address:
Thanks to The Who Boys for taking the time to answer the SAR Q&A this week! Be sure to visit their website, where you can download every single track they've ever put together, including at least two mashups albums, and tune in to this week's podcast (episode 105) where a track off of their album "Tales of Townshend & Wilson" is featured along with over a dozen additional sound collages.
In other news: I hope to see you at an event I'm DJing this Friday, August 4th, at Mira Gallery. I'll be spinning the usual tape manipulations, digital deconstructions and turntable creations at a closing reception at 4137 Bloomington Avenue (South Minneapolis), featuring artwork by Andrew Braunberger, Aldo Moroni and Susan Opitz. The reception runs from 6-10pm and there's more info online, at:
Next week, things continue to progress with episode 106! Enjoy episode 105, in the meantime... Thanks for listening,
Jon Nelson
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