Timmy The Tapeworm
Timmy The Tapeworm is the Twin Cities' own James Allen. Check out his :50 track on the SAR/mnartists compilation "50/50", featured in Episode 256. It's a stand out.
Allen is a recent graduate of the The Art Institutes International Minnesota, a noise artist and freelance Graphic Designer, living in Minneapolis. His work has been featured on at least a dozen compilations, including 2008's 612noise, on the insides music label.
Without further ado, here's the SAR Q&A with Timmy The Tapeworm...
*Name: Timmy the Tapeworm
*Are there any additional names used to describe this project: Depeche Node, Japeworm
*Do you use a pseudonym? (Yes)
*Members: One, with the occasional tapeworm.
*Founding Members: James Allen
*Tape manipulations, digital deconstructions or turntable creations: All of the above, but often not. Or, perhaps more.
*Another genre descriptor: Most of my work can probably be described under terms like mash-up, breakcore, or noise. But then there's the work that's not quite any of those that I often refer to as DnB for those with attention disorders, or ADHDnB, for short. However, when I'm too lazy to explain anything, I just say it's Wormcore, and leave it up to whoever to figure it out.
*Is there a story behind your name? I was convinced that I had a tapeworm living in me during the summer of 2005. It was a lonely summer, so, excited to have company, I became rather fond of having a tapeworm. He became my friend. I later found out that I never had a tapeworm, just a high metabolism.
*Location: Minneapolis, MN
*Original Location: Bad medical advice
*What is your creative/artistic background: In short: I went to school for Graphic Design. I use that knowledge for the occasional freelance. I do the occasional art show thing. More often than not, the music thing works out better. It's also more fun.
*History: Summer 2005
*Born: 1985—MN
*Motivations: Making tangible versions of the sounds in my head and other bad cliches.
*Philosophy: There isn't a set "philosophy" behind my work, it's more a means of keeping myself from having a nervous breakdown.
*How would you like to be remembered: I am still uncertain.
*Web address: Until there is more time:
Updated link: http://wormcore.tk
Further updated links:
Japeworm Soundcloud (mash-up, digital noise, rmx's).
DJ Santorum Soundcloud (Frothcore DJ side of the worm)
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