Secret Mommy
Secret Mommy is Vancouver's Andy Dixon. He has six albums and EPs, including "Hawaii 5.0" which we've been playing a lot on the show. He co-founded his first band (d.b.s), when he was twelve years old and has continued to play guitar and write music ever since. He's also a graphic designer, and runs his own record label (Ache), when not performing in the band Winning, or as Secret Mommy.
Without further ado, here's the SAR Q&A with Secret Mommy...
*Name: Secret Mommy
*Are there any additional names used to describe this project: The Secret Mommy Quintet
*Do you use a pseudonym? Yes, Secret Mommy is not my real name.
*Members: Secret Mommy is me, Andy Dixon, but I love to work with other people, sample other musicians, and play live that way as well.
*Founding Members: Andy Dixon
*Tape manipulations, digital deconstructions or turntable creations: I guess I'd go with digital deconstructions.
*Another genre descriptor: I really try to stay away from anything like that. It seems to me that describing your own music creates boundaries.
*Is there a story behind your name? It doesn't mean much! It's a totally ambiguous name which more or less congealed out of thin air.
*Location: Vancouver, Canada
*What is your creative/artistic background: My first band was called d.b.s. We played our first show when I was 13. I was in that band, playing guitar and writing songs, until I was 22. I've been an active musician in the punk/underground scene for 15 years.
*History: Secret Mommy has been around since 2003, so 5 years.
*Born: I was born in Vancouver, in 1979.
*Motivations: I have no idea. I guess I simply can't help it. I love creating. I don't know how to do anything else.
*Philosophy: I think it changes from album to album. For example, Very Rec, my album
created entirely from field recordings of public space and recreational activity was a stab at the mounting quantity of careerists in a once "do it for the love of the music" music scene.
*How would you like to be remembered: As someone who created purely, with no restriction.
*Web address:
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