Time to upload a new episode. Stay tuned for Episode 102, of Some Assembly Required (in my next post)...
Episode 102 of Some Assembly Required features a track off of an album by Antediluvian Rocking Horse, called Forward Into the Furniture. I've been playing Antediluvian Rocking Horse since the very beginning of the show. They were one of those artists who got discovered earlier because they had a record out on Negativland's label, Seeland. I'd have found out about them eventually, but such close proximity to Negativland didn't hurt, especially at the time.
It was a lot harder, then, to find out about sound collage artists. I don't know if it was just because the internet was newer, or maybe because people were more afraid (copyright issues?), but back then you could hardly find anything about anyone online. That was actually one of the inspirations for the show - once I learned that there were actually LOTS of sound collage artists out there, I wanted to create a venue for them. This blog and the Some Assembly Required podcast is the perfect extension of that goal. In particular, I'm excited about this new feature - the weekly Some Assembly Required Q&A. I'll try my best to match up the SAR Q&A with an artist being played that week on the podcast. I don't know if it will always be possible, but so far so good...
So, this week's Q&A is with Antediluvian Rocking Horse! According to their official website, Antediluvian Rocking Horse has three official releases: Music for the Odd Occasion (1995, Seeland), Music for Transportation (1999, Musicmine) and the self-released Forward into the Furniture, released in 2003. The duo (which is occasionally a trio) also belongs to that (semi-) exclusive club of sound collage artists with their own radio shows. Their radio program is named after their 2003 record "Forward into the Furniture" (or perhaps the other way around?) and airs on 3PBS-FM, in Australia. The band has been involved with numerous Festivals, Events and Parties, and have done everything from supporting noise bands and running their own "neo-exotica nights," to creating original soundtracks for live theatre.
Without further ado, here's the SAR Q&A with Antediluvian Rocking Horse...
*Name: Antediluvian Rocking HorseAntediluvian Rocking Horse (Melbourne, Australia)
*Are there any additional names used to describe this project: ARH, DJ1
*Do you use a pseudonym? DJ2 (Paul Wain) and DJ3 (SM King)
*Members: Paul Wain, Susan King, Ollie Olsen
*Founding Members: Paul Wain, Susan King
*Tape manipulations, digital deconstructions or turntable creations: Dada. Anti-art. We are Sonic Culture Actuality Reabsorber Satellites.
*Another genre descriptor: Opaque music
*Location: Melbourne, Australia
*What is your creative/artistic background: Paul Wain is a sculptor. SM King is a writer and visual artist. Ollie Olsen is a musician.
*History: ARH formed on April 23rd, 1994.
*Born: We were all born in or near Melbourne between the years 1958-1971.
*Philosophy: Folk music, random occurences, bricolage. We use whatever is at hand, live and in the studio, to produce sound. Analogue cassette, radio and TV, reel-to-reel, various keyboards, turntables, CDs, effect pedals, and drum machines have all made their way into our sets. When we play live we use no headphones and rarely tell the other what we have in our audio arsenal. Anything can happen. We like to have as many sources in the mix as possible, to find the point at which DJ1 has taken over and neither DJ2 or DJ3 can determine what sound is from which source - an unpredictable 'third record' of sorts. Our recorded output has more structure. We take inspirations while playing 'live' - how different elements conversed amongst themselves, back to the studio to create tracks for our CDs. Our basic motivator is "Do whatever you can with whatever you can get your hands on." ARH is administered by the Potential Fossil Assemblage and underwritten by the Cultural Mechanics Institute.
*How would you like to be remembered: As...."those people who used to play really weird s*** at parties that did my head in."
*Web address: http://www.starttransmission.com
Stay tuned for Episode 102 of Some Assembly Required, featuring a track by Antediluvian Rocking Horse and 14 other sound collage artists. The full track listing is in the next post. As always, please feel free to comment on the blog and the podcast. The number of downloads is encouraging, but feedback would be icing on the cake! Thanks for listening...
Stay tuned,
Jon Nelson
Stay tuned,
Jon Nelson
1 comment:
What an insane sound this crew do, some of the most bizzarre and effervesent music ever recorded. Where would my head be now if I hadnt let them in I wonder.
Looking FWD to this latest installment.
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